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It's About Jesus!
For many people Jesus is just a name or even a cuss word, but. . .
1) The Bible and Jesus Himself say that He is God's Son, His savior for mankind.(John 3:16) 2) Jesus lived a perfect life. The Bible says that Jesus knew no wrong or sin in His life. (II Cor 5:21) 3) The Bible says "all men have done and fallen short of God's perfection" (Romans 3:23) 4) Because of that sin, we are seperated spiritually from God (Isaiah 59:2) and we are under the penalty of death, both physical and spiritually (Romans 6:23)

What to do about this. . .
God has provided a way, through Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that Jesus "became sin for us". He took the penalty of death for us on the cross so that we could have a relationship with our heavenly Father. He took away the barrier that stood between us and God.

Is there hope?
Absolutely! Jesus died on the cross paying the price for our sin. Salvation is a gift of God (Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8-9)that comes through Jesus Christ. If we accept Him as our savior, our only hope of heaven, the Bible says that He comes into our lives and assures us of help now, hope for tomorrow and heaven in our future! Pray now and ask God to forgive you of your sins and that you accept Jesus Christ as your savior.

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