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Knowing Christ: The Ultimate Privilage!
". . .to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God" Ephesians 3:19This website is dedicated to the growing knowledge of Jesus Christ in my own life and hopefully your own. It is the ultimate privilage that God allows us to know Him and we should get to know Him! Weather you have reached this page as a spiritual novice or a seasoned saint (as in salt!), you are welcome to stroll through the offerings.

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"

Welcome to All Who Will Come!This website will feature a weekly (hopefully) Bible study, book and music reviews and some positive thoughts on how we can walk with God. If you don't know Christ, I would encourage you to check out the About Page. This contains the basic information on what Christianity is about, Knowing Jesus as our personal savior.
Go to the What's New Page to find this weeks study. For the next few weeks I will be writing on Isaiah 64. I hope it will be a blessing for you!

Contact Us!!If you would like to comment on this site, have a spiritual question or a prayer request (we love these) please email me through the Contact page or the link above.

Positive thought for the week:"Love does not necessarily make the world go 'round, but it does make the ride worthwhile!" Find someone that you care for and make their day worthwhile in some way this week. 4234
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