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Our Study For this Week: Isaiah 64

Probably one of the saddest, but most inviting passages in the Old Testament Focus will be on the first 8 verses.

v1-2: What a beginning, "Oh that God would come down from the heavens". What if God came from the heavens today? What would He find? Jesus said that when He came back He wanted to see faith on the earth. How is our faith? Are we really wanting to meet God on a face to face basis? In this passage Isaiah is wanting God to come down to defeat a foe. "That the nations may tremble at your presence", is not for show, but that God would defeat Israel's enemies. Just like us huh, wanting God to show up to do something for us. But think about living daily in His presence. The Bible says that He is always with us, even until the end of the age. God does not need to "rend the heavens", because He is already here. Live as if He is next to you now! Does this change anything for you?


v3-5 Focus on the Need of Man for God to intervene in his life
The next few verses recount the wonderful things that God did for Israel. Reread the end of Deuteronomy or the Book of Exodus and get a feel for the daily miracles that seemed to happen to the children of Israel. Even so they had fallen deep into sin. Do you ever wonder why we have such short memories? Boss gives us a raise, but grips at us for not doing our job and he goes from hero to heel in days. We can be like that with God, "what have you done for me lately". The people of Israel needed what we all need today, to keep a healthy perspective on life and how God has worked throughout our life. If you have walked with God for more than a few seconds, He has done a lot! Wait on him in patience and remember all the ways that He blesses us day by day!